LPE Equipment for II-VI Compound Semiconductors – The ESY–10/S Concept was developed for the special Requirements of LPE-Growth of II-VI Compound Semiconductors such as MCT Epitaxy. Its high Capacity of 200 cm² per Epitaxial Process combined with its unique Crucible material and Design for Melt Homogenization are the leading Features of this LPE Reactor. It is operating successfully worldwide.
Highly flexible LPE Equipment for III-V Epitaxy – The Key-Features of the SOF Optoelectronics ESY–10 TTT Concept are the high Capacity combined with a Flexibility for various Types of LPE-Production Technologies. A Capacity of 50 Wafers for a Five-Melt-Process and 200 Wafers for a One-Melt-Process demonstrate the high Potential of this Type of Equipment.
Economical Production of GaP-Wafers for Yellow-Green LEDs – The SOF Optoelectronics ESY–8 Equipment is especially designed for economical Production of GaP-Wafers for YG-LEDs. With a Capacity of 90 Wafers per Run, not only the Throughput is high, but also the Quality and Homogeneity of the Products are excellent.
We are looking forward to your inquiry!
Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
SOF Optoelectronics GmbH
Gartenstraße 38
52249 Eschweiler